Classy website for law firm in West Flanders

Mockup van Luxe website voor advocatenbedrijf in West-Vlaanderen

They wanted classy web design that exuded elegance. A web design as neat as a lawyer. A lawyer doesn’t go to court in t-shirts and shorts either, but in a tight suit. It had to be beautiful, informative and communicative.

Something that Pixili has done before for several of our customers including Knack, Track and vandepitte supplies.

Pixili does Webdesign but also offers a complete package of web, branding, animation and 3D services. Plus we have our own product line Pixipop.
Wauters and Partners is a law firm with several offices in West Flanders.

They provide multidisciplinary services in the legal fields of, among other things, employment law, inheritance law, commercial law and corporate law. The company attaches great importance to a personal approach and the contact between client and lawyer. They therefore want to be an accessible law firm that radiates quality.

The style had to exude elegance, not necessarily luxury; Because the design also had to feel accessible, since the target group varies from individuals to companies.

screenshot pagina op mobiele pagina Luxe website voor advocatenbedrijf
screenshot contactpagina op mobiele pagina Luxe website voor advocatenbedrijf
screenshot mobiele pagina Luxe website voor advocatenbedrijf

The approach

he color gold in combination with shades of gray brings the elegance of the company to the website.

Antique Brass






The Challenge

A balance had to be struck between two opposing styles: accessibility and elegance. Elegance quickly has a sense of luxury, not necessarily what we want.

How we achieved this is partly difficult to explain and a gut feeling that we as designers have for this. But some things we can highlight were using a simple font and the beautiful profile pictures of the lawyers, which provide the feeling of approachability.

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