Web design for life coach and hypnotherapist - Elise C.

Mockup voor Webdesign voor zelf hulp coach en hypnotherapeut

This is a web design for life coach and hypnotherapist Elise. Elise is an independent professional life coach, mental coach and hypnotherapist. She was looking for a way to communicate what she did digitally and make it more accessible. She wanted her website to also have a personal touch and be a testament to her passion and knowledge.

Pixili does Web design but also offers a complete package of web, branding, 3D and image creation services. Plus we have our own product line Pixipop.

A logo had been around for a few years and gave us a good starting point when it came to colour. The logo was yellow and we used it as an accent colour and introduced purple as the main colour. Purple is the colour that is seen as a symbol of passion, inventiveness, inspiration, originality and spirituality. That all fits very well with what she does and what she stands for.



Old Lavender


Lavender Blush


A life coach, mental coach and hypnotherapist, you don’t come across that every day. Now we love projects and clients that are a bit different. They are often the most fun projects to work on.

She shared our belief that visual storytelling is important. Elise gave us lots of keywords for each page and we spent hours searching for the best-fitting images. The client could also put together their own pages and ask us for images afterwards. We agreed that she would provide us with a keyword, and we would then send back some proposals. She would choose from those and purchase them.

A personal website may need one page, like Myriam Deleare’s, or several pages, as is the case here. It all depends on what your goals are. Myriam Deleare is a stylist and window dresser. Her work is very visual and can be communicated in a few pictures. But Elise’s services are relatively unknown, and there are still misunderstandings about some of the things she does, such as hypnotherapy. That’s why we advised and created a website that has a lot of information about what she does. Educating the visitors has greatly helped to wipe doubts and convince people to make use of her services.

Design Info pagina
Design Info pagina
Design Info pagina

We also made sure that potential clients with questions or requests could easily contact her. And she wanted to be accessible in whatever way the visitors of the website preferred. She could be reached via a contact form, phone number, e-mail and at a physical address and we make sure to design the website in a way that these were always easy to find.

Elise also organises workshops, 1 of the goals of the site was to make them more accessible and easier to book. That’s why we provided them with a customised registration module where a few details were enough to complete your registration.


The website shown in this text was recently renewed. This partly uses the branding we developed, but the new website was not developed or designed by Pixili. This page discusses our version of the Elise C website.

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